Вот список более 700 игр на новой PS Plus в Северной Америке

Североамериканская версия обновленного сервиса PS Plus заработала в этом регионе. Недавно опубликованная линейка игр для Северной Америки содержит множество игр, которые ранее не были анонсированы, в том числе 400 наименований для PS4/PS5, а также 300 наименований для PS3.
Интересно, что Metal Gear Solid, серия, широко представленная на устаревшей PlayStation Now, отсутствует в библиотеке игр. Ожидается, что новые подписки PS Plus Essential, Extra и Premium будут запущены в Европе 22 июня.

PS Plus Essentials предлагает те же преимущества, что и предыдущая услуга PS Plus, с ежемесячными бесплатными играми, скидками и сетевой многопользовательской игрой.
Между тем, PS Plus Extra включает те же преимущества, но с доступом к библиотеке из 400 загружаемых игр для PS4 и PS5. Эти игры будут включать Death Stranding, God of War, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Mortal Kombat 11, Returnal и другие.
Наконец, PS Plus Premium включает в себя вышеперечисленные преимущества, но добавляет до 340 дополнительных игр, включая игры для PS3, и каталог классических игр поколений PlayStation, PS2 и PSP.
PS Plus: игры PS4 и PS5
- 11-11 Memories Retold
- 2Dark
- 8 Bit Armies
- 9 Monkeys of Shaolin
- Absolver Downfall
- Abzu
- Ace of Sea Food
- Adrift
- Agatha Christie The ABC Murders
- Agents of Mayhem
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall
- Alienation
- AO Tennis 2
- Aragami
- Arc The Lad: Twilight of Spirits
- Ashen
- Ash of Gods
- Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
- Assetto Corsa Competizione
- Astebreed
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 1
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 2
- Avicii Invector
- Bad North
- Baja Edge of Control
- Balan Wonderworld
- Batman Arkham Knight
- Battle Chaser Knight War
- Battlefield 1
- Bee Simulator
- Beyond: Two Souls
- BigSky: Infinity
- Bioshock Remastered
- Bioshock 2 Remastered
- Bioshock Infinite The Complete Edition
- Black Mirror
- Blasphemous Wounds of Eventide
- Bloodborne
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Bomber Crew
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
- Bound
- Bound by Flame
- Brawlout
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
- Call of Cthulu
- Call of Duty Black Ops 3
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Car Mechanic Simulator
- Cartoon Network Battle Crashers
- Celeste
- Chess Ultra
- CHild of Light
- Children of Morta
- Chronos: Before The Ashes
- Cities Skylines
- Clouds of Sheep 2
- Concrete Genie
- Control: Ultimate Edition
- Crashing Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
- Criss Tales
- Crysis Remastered
- Dangerous Golf
- Dark Rose Valkyrie
- Darksiders Genesis
- Darksiders 2
- Darksiders 3
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition
- Days Gone
- DLC – The Game
- Dead Cells
- Deadlight Director’s Cut
- Dead Nation
- Death Squared
- Death Stranding
- Death Stranding Director’s Cut
- Deliver Us the Moon
- Demon’s Souls
- Descenders
- Desperados 3
- Destruction Allstars
- Detroit: Become Human
- Disaster Report 4
- Doom (2016)
- Dreamfall Chapters
- Dungeons 2
- Eagle Flight
- Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair
- Eat Them
- Electronic Super Joy
- Elex
- El Hijo: A Wild West Tale
- Embr: Firefighting with friends
- Empire of Sin
- Enter the Gungeon
- Entwined
- Everspace
- Everybody’s Golf
- Evil Genius 2: World Domination
- Fallout 4
- Fallout 76
- Far Cry 3
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
- Far Cry 4
- FIA European Truck Racing
- Ex Fighting Layer
- Final Exam
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
- Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD
- Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
- Fluster Cluck
- Foreclosed
- For Honour
- For the King
- Friday the 13th
- Frost Punk
- Fury Unleashed
- Gabbuchi
- Get Even
- Ghost of a Tale
- Ghostrunner
- Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
- God of War
- God of War 3: Remastered
- Gods Will Fall
- Golf with your Friends
- Goosebumps The Game
- Grand Ages Medieval
- Graveyard Keeper
- Gravity Rush Remastered
- Gravity Rush 2
- Greed Fall
- Grip
- Gunvolt Chronicles
- Hamster Ball
- Harvest Moon Light of Hope
- Harvest Moon Mad Dash
- Harvest Moon One World
- Heavy Rain
- Hello Neighbour
- Hollow Knight Voidheart Edition
- Homefront The Revolution
- Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
- Hotline Miami 2
- Hotshot Racing
- How to Survive 2
- How to Survive Storm Warning
- Hue
- Human Fall Flat
- I am Bread
- I am Dead
- inFamous First Light
- inFamous Second Son
- Infinite Minigolf
- Injustice Gods Among Us
- Injustice 2
- Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf
- John Wick Hex
- Jotun
- Journey to the Savage Planet
- Jumping Flash
- Jumpjet Rex
- Key We
- Killzone Shadow Fall
- Kinetica
- Kingdom Come Deliverance
- Kingdom New Lands
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
- Kingdom Two Crowns
- Knack
- Kona
- Last Day of June
- Last Stop
- Lawn Mowing Simulator
- Left Alive
- Legendary Fishing
- Legends of Ethernal
- Lego Harry Potter Collection
- Leo’s Fortune
- Little Big Planet 3
- Little Nightmares
- Lock’s Quest
- LocoRoco Remastered
- Lost Words: Beyond the Page
- Lumines Remastered
- Mafia Definitive Edition
- Mafia 2 Definitive Edition
- Mafia 3 Definitive Edition
- Magicka 2
- Mahjong
- Malicious Fallen
- Maneater
- Marvel Puzzle Quest
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
- Marvel’s Spider-Man Game of the Year Edition
- Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Matterfall
- MediEvil
- Metro 2033 Redux
- Metro Last Light Redux
- Might Number 9
- Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
- Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
- Monkey Island 2 Special Edition
- Monster Hunter World
- Monster Truck Championship
- Moonlighter
- Mortal Kombat 11
- Mortal Kombat X
- Mount & Blade: Warband
- Moving Out
- Mud Runner
- MX vs ATV All Out
- My Friend Pedro
- My Time at Portia
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja
- Nascar Heats
- NBA 2K22
- NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
- Necromunda Underhive Wars
- Nidhogg
- Nighogg 2
- Nights of Azure
- Nights of Azure 2
- Nioh
- No Straight Roads
- Numblast
- Observation
- Observer
- Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey: New and Tasty
- Omega Quintet
- Outcast Second Contact
- Outer Wilds
- Overcooked 2
- Overpass
- Override 2: Super Mech League
- Party Hard
- Patapon
- Patapon 2
- Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
- PGA Tour 2K21
- PixelJunk Eden Encore
- PixelJunk Monsters
- PixelJunk Racers
- Pixel Piracy
- Planet Minigolf
- Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut
- Portal Knight
- Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid
- Prey
- Primal
- Prison Architect
- Pure Farming 2018
- Pure Hold’Em Poker Championship
- Pure Pool
- QBert Rebooted
- Rad Rodgers
- Rainbow Moon
- Ratchet and Clank
- Rebel Galaxy
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Redeemer Enhanced Edition
- Red Faction Guerrilla Remarstered
- Reel Fishing Road Trip Adventure
- Relicta
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil 7
- Resogun
- Returnal
- Rez Infinite
- Ride 4
- Rise of Kasai
- Risk Urban Assault
- Rock of Ages 3
- Rogue Galaxy
- Rogue Stormers
- R-Type Final 2
- Saints Row The Third: Remastered
- Seasons After Fall
- Secret Neighbour
- Serious Sam Collection
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Shadow Warrior
- Shadow Warrior 3
- Shenmue 3
- Sine Mora EX
- Siren
- Sky Dive
- Sky Drift
- Sky Drift Infinity
- Sky Fighter
- Slime Rancher
- Sniper Elite 4
- Soma
- Soul Calibur VI
- South Park The Stick of Truth
- South Park The Fractured But Whole
- Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced
- Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced
- Space Hulk Tactics
- Space Junkies
- Sparkle Unleashed
- Splitlings
- Starlink Battle for Atlas
- Star Ocean First Departure
- Star Trek Bridge Crew
- Super Star Wars
- Steep
- Stellaris
- Stranded Deep
- Strider
- Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
- Surgeon Simulator
- Surviving Mars
- Tearaway Unfolded
- Telling lies
- Tennis World Tour 2
- Terraria
- Tetris Effect Connected
- The Artful Escape
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- The Council
- The Crew
- The Crew 2
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
- The Elder Scrolls Online
- The Fisherman – Fishing Planet
- The Last Guardian
- The Last of Us Remastered
- The Last of Us: Left Behind
- The Last Tinker
- The Lego Movie Videogame
- The Long Dark
- The Mark of Kai
- The mEssenger
- The Raven Remastered
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- The Surge
- The Surge 2
- The Technomancer
- The Turing Test
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
- The Wonderful 101
- This is the Police
- This is the Police 2
- This War of Mine
- Thomas Was Alone
- Tom Clancy’s The Division
- Totally Reliable Delivery Service
- Toukiden
- Toukiden 2
- Tour De France 2021
- Tower Fall Ascesion
- Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt
- Trackmania Turbo
- Transference
- Trials Fusion
- Trials of the Blood Dragon
- Trials Rising
- Tricky towers
- Trine 4
- Tropico 5
- TT: Isle of Man Ride of the Edge
- Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Uncharted: The Nathan Dark Collection
- Until Dawn
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War
- Vampyr
- Velocibox
- Velocity Ultra
- Victor Vran Overkill
- Wikings: Wolves of Midgard
- Virginia
- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor
- Warhammer 40,000: Chaosbane
- Warhammer: Vermintide
- War of the Monsters
- Warriors All-Stars
- Watch Dogs
- Werewolf The Apocalypse: Earthblood
- Werewolves Within
- Wild Arms
- Wild Arms 3
- Wild Guns Reloaded
- Windbound
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- World of Final Fantasy
- WRC 10 The Official Game
- Wreckfest
- XCOM 2
- Yet Another Zombie Defense
- Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
- Zombi
- Zombi Army 4
PS PLUS: PS3 игры
- Air Conflicts – Secret Wars
- Air Conflicts Vietnam
- Alien Rage
- Alien Spidy
- All Zombies Must Die
- Alone in the Dark
- Anarchy Rush Hour
- Anna
- Anomaly Warzone Earth
- Aqua Panic
- Arcana Heart 3
- Arcana Heart 3: Love Ma
- Armageddon Riders
- Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star
- Asura’s Wrath
- Atelier Ayesha
- Atelier Escha & Logy
- Atelier Rorona
- Atelier Shallie – Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
- Bang Bang Racing
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Battle Fantasia
- Battle of Tiles EX
- Battle Princess of Arcadia
- Bellator MMA Onslaught
- Big Sky Infinity
- Bionic Commando Rearmed
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
- Bit.Trip Runner 2
- Black Knight Sword
- Bladestrom Nightmare
- Bladestorm: The Hundred Years’ War
- Blazblue: Calamity Trigger
- Blood Knights
- Disney’s Bolt
- Brink
- Burn, Zombie Burn
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet
- Disney’s Cars 2
- Disney’s Cars: Mater-National Championship
- Disney’s Cars: Race O Rama
- Castlevania Harmony of Despair
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
- Castlevania Lord of Shadow HD
- Cel Damage
- Champion Jockey
- Chime Super Delyxe
- Class of Heroes 2
- Comet Crash
- Crash Commando
- Critter Crunch
- Cuboid
- Dark Sector
- Darkstalkers Resurrection
- Dark Void
- Deadliest Warrior: Legends
- Deadliest Warrior The Game
- Dead or Alive 5
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
- Death Track ressurection
- Deception IV Blood Ties
- Deception Iv The Nightmare princess
- Derrick the Death Fin
- detuned.
- Devil May Cry 4
- Devil May Cry HD Colleciton
- Disgaea 3
- Disgaea 4
- Disgaea D2
- Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
- Disney’s Brave
- Disney Universe
- Dive Kick
- Doc Clock
- Dogfight 1942
- Double Dragon neon
- Dragon Fin Soup
- Dragon’s Lair
- Dragon’s Lair 2
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 6
- Dynasty Warriors 7
- Dynasty Warriors: Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 7: Extreme Legends
- Dynasty Warriors 8
- Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme Legends
- Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
- Earth Defense Force 2025
- Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon
- Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
- Eat Them!
- echocrhome PS3
- Elefunk
- Enemy Front
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
- Escape Dead Island
- Ethan Meteor Hunter
- Eufloria
- Faery: Legends of Avalon
- Fallout 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- F.E.A.R.
- Final Exam
- Final Fight Double Impact
- Frogger Returns
- Fuel Overdose
- Disney’s G-Force
- Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime
- God of War Ascension
- God of War
- God of War 2
- Go! Sports Sky
- Greg Hasting’s Paintball 2
- Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi
- Hamilton’s Great Adventure
- Hamster Ball
- Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
- Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear
- High Stakes on the Vegas Strip
- Hoard
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- Hunted: The Demon’s Forge
- Hustle Kings
- Ibb & Obb
- Ico
- inFamous
- inFamous 2
- inFamous 2: Festival of Blood
- Injustice Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition
- Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos.
- Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
- Jetpack Joyride Deluxe
- Jimmie Johnson’s Anything with an Engine
- Joe Danger 2
- Judge Dee: The City God Case
- Karateki
- Knytt underground
- Kung Fu Rabbit
- Led and Gold
- Legasista
- Lego Batman
- Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
- Lego Indiana Jones
- Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
- Lego Pirate of the Caribbean
- Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
- Linger in Shadows
- LocoRoco: Cocoreccho
- Lost Planet
- Lost Planet 2
- Lost Planet 3
- Magic Orbz
- Magus
- Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom
- Mamorukin Curse
- Mars: War Logs
- Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond
- Mega Man 9
- Mega Man 10
- Motorstorm Apocalypse
- Motorstorm RC Complete
- MX vs ATV Alive
- Reflect MX vs ATV
- MX vs ATV Untamed
- Narco Terror
- Ninja Gaiden 3
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Nobunaga’s Ambition
- Numblast
- Okabu
- Papa & Yo
- Penny Arcade Adventures: Precipice of Darkness Episode 1
- Penny Arcade Adventures: Precipice of Darkness Episode 2
- Disney’s Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension
- Pid
- Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
- Piyotama
- Planet Minigolf
- Planet Under Attack
- Pool Nation
- Port Royale 3
- Proteus
- Puppeteer
- Puzzle Agent
- Quantum Theory
- Rag Doll Kung Fu
- Rage
- Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
- Raiden IV Overkill
- Rain
- Disney’s Rataouille
- Ratchet & Clank All 4 One
- Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
- Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in time
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
- Ratchet & Clank Into the Nexus
- Raw
- Record of Agarest War
- Record of Agarest War 2
- Record of Agarest War Zero
- Red Dead Redemption
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
- Red Faction Battlegrounds
- Red Johnson’s Chronicles
- Red Johnson’s Chronicle : One Against All
- Resident Evil 4 HD
- Resident Evil 5 Gold
- Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
- Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles
- Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles
- Resistance 3
- Retro City Rampage DX
- Retrograde
- Ricochet HD
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
- Rocket Knight
- Rogue Warrior
- Rotastic
- R Type Dimensions
- Sacred 3: Gold Edition
- Sacred Citadel
- Saints Row 2
- Sam and Max Beyond Space and Time
- Sam and Max The Devil’s Playhouse
- Samurai Warriors 4
- Sanctum 2
- Savage Moon
- Shatter
- Sid Meier‘s Civilization Revolution
- Siren: Blood Curse
- Skull Girls Encore
- Skydive: Proximity Flight
- Sky Drift
- Sky Fighter
- Slender The Arrival
- Smash Cards
- Snake Ball
- Sniper Elite V2
- Soldier X 2
- Soldier X
- Space Ace
- Spelunker HD
- Split/Second
- Star Drone
- Star Raiders
- Starwhal
- Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
- Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
- Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
- Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People
- Syberia
- About a Blob
- Mutant Blobs Attack
- The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
- The Darkness
- The Darkness 2
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- The Guided Fate: Paradox
- The King of Fighters XIII
- The Last Guy
- The Under Garden
- Thunder Wolves
- Tokyo Jungle
- Toy Home
- Toy Story Mania
- Trash Panic
- Trinity Souls of ZillO’ll
- Disney’s Tron
- Truck Racer
- Urban Trial Freestyle
- Velocity Ultra
- Vessel
- Voodoo Chronicles
- Wakeboarding HD
- Warlords
- Warriors Legends of Troy
- Warriors 3 Orochi
- When Vikings Attack
- White KNight Chronicles
- XBlaze Code: Embryo
- XCOM: Enemy Within
- Yaira: Ninja Gaiden
- Zack Zero
- Zen Pinball
- Zombie Tycoon 2
- Ape Escape
- Ape Escape 2
- Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
- Dark Cloud
- Dark Cloud 2
- echochrome
- Fantasvision
- Hot Shots Golf
- Hot Shots Tennis
- IQ: Intelligent Qube
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- Jak 2
- Jak 3
- Jak X Combat Racing
- Jumping Flash
- Kinetica
- Mr Driller
- Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
- Okage Shadow King
- Primal
- Red Faction
- Red Faction 2
- Resident Evil Director’s Cut
- Rise of the Kasai
- Rogue Galaxy
- Siren
- Star Wars Bounty Hunter
- Star Wars Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars Racer Revenge
- Syphon Filter
- Tekken 2
- The Mark of Kri
- War of the Monsters
- Wild Arms
- Wild Arms 3
- Worms Armageddon
- Worms World Party